Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Bunny Bunny!

This bun belongs to my friend Matt's first grade class.
The kids all punted on who was going to take care of her
over vacation so of course it fell to the teacher.

Consequently, the bunny has had a great and quiet break
in a little courtyard in Venice, CA.

Just think... she's had no little sticky little hands
reaching into her cage, mussing her illegally soft fur.
All she's had to do is sit back and nibble alfalfa.
(She's so mellow! Can't imagine why.)

I sure hope she can get back into the
swing of things when school starts again.

Poor little wee beastie...


heidi said...

He's a beauty! Bunny Bunny, Ol' Chum!

Claire, said...

Oh man I would have taken him for a spell.